Sectish TC, Starmer AJ, Landrigan CP, and Spector ND, and the I-PASS Study Group. Establishing a Multisite Education and Research Project Requires Leadership, Expertise, Collaboration, and an Important Aim. Pediatrics 2010; 126(4): 619-622. PMID: 20876168. Full text available from:
Starmer AJ, Spector ND, Srivastava R, Landrigan CP, and Sectish TC. I-PASS, a Mnemonic to Stardardize Verbal Handoffs. Pediatrics 2012; 192(2): 201-204. PMID:22232313. Full text available from:
Spector ND (co-first), Starmer AJ (co-first), Yu CE, O’Toole JK, Allen AD, Tse LL, Bale JF, Bismilla Z, Calaman S, Coffey M, Cole FS, Destino LA, Everhart JL, Hepps JH, Kahana M, Lopreiato JO, McGregor RS, Patel SJ, Rosenbluth G, Srivastava R, Stevenson AT, West DC, Landrigan CP (co-last), Sectish TC (co-last). I-PASS Handoff Curriculum: Core Resident Workshop. MedEdPORTAL 2012. Available from:
Calaman S (co-first), Hepps JH (co-first), Spector ND, Sectish TC, Landrigan CP, Srivastava R, Starmer AJ, Yu CE (co-last), Lopreiato JO (co-last), and the I-PASS Education Executive Committee. I-PASS Handoff Curriculum: Handoff Simulation Exercises. MedEdPORTAL 2013. Available from:
Rosenbluth G, Patel SJ, Destino LA, Everhart JL, O’Toole JK, Stevenson AT, Yu CE, Calaman S, Allen AD, Starmer AJ, Srivastava R, Spector ND, Landrigan CP and Sectish TC. I-PASS Handoff Curriculum: Campaign Toolkit. MedEdPORTAL 2013. Available from:
O’Toole JK (co-first), Stevenson AT (co-first), Good BP, Guiot AB, Solan LG, Tse LL, Landrigan CP, Sectish TC, Srivastava R, Starmer AJ (co-last), Spector ND (co-last), and the I-PASS Study Group. Closing the Gap: A Needs Assessment of Medical Students and Handoff Training. J.Peds AMSPDC Pages 2013; 162(5): 887-888. PMID: 23617969. Full text available from:
Calaman S, Spector ND, Starmer AJ, O’Toole JK, Allen AD, Tse LL, Bale JF, Bismilla Z, Coffey M, Cole FS, Destino L, Everhart J, Hepps J, Kahana M, McGregor RS, Patel SJ, Rosenbluth G, Srivastava R, Stevenson A, West DC, Sectish TC, Landrigan CP, Yu CE, Lopreiato JO. I-PASS Handoff Curriculum: Computer Module. MedEdPORTAL; 2013.Full text available from:
O’Toole JK, Sectish TC, Starmer AJ, Rosenbluth G, West DC, Landrigan CP, Allen AD, Noble EL, Srivastava R, Tse LL, Hepps J, Lopreiato JO, Calaman S, Yu CE, Spector ND, and the I-PASS Educational Executive Committee. I-PASS Handoff Curriculum: Faculty Development Resources. MedEdPORTAL; 2013. Available from:
Starmer AJ, Landrigan CP, Srivastava R, Wilson K, Allen AD, Mahant S, Blank J, Sectish TC, Spector ND, West DC. I-PASS Handoff Curriculum: Faculty Observation Tools. MedEdPORTAL; 2013. Available from:
Starmer AJ, Sectish TC, Simon DW, Keohane C, McSweeney M, Chung EY, Yoon CS, Lipsitz SR, Wassner AJ, Harper MB, Landrigan CP. Rates of Medical Errors and Preventable Adverse Events Among Hospitalized Children Following Implementation of a Resident Handoff Bundle. JAMA 2013; 310(21): 2262-2270. DOI: 10.1001. Available from:
Simon TD, Starmer AJ, Conway P, Landrigan CP, Shah SS, Shen MW, Sectish TC, Spector ND, Tieder JS, Srivastava R, Willis LE, Wilson K on behalf of Pediatric Research in Inpatient Settings Network (PRIS). Quality Improvement in Pediatric Health Care. Academic Pediatrics. 2013; 13 (6S): S54-S60. Available from:
Starmer AJ, O’Toole JK, Rosenbluth G, Calaman S, Balmer D, West DC, Bale JF, Yu CE, Noble EL, Tse LL, Srivastava R, Landrigan CP, Sectish TC, Spector NS, and members of the I-PASS Study Group. Development, Implementation, and Dissemination of the I-PASS Handoff Curriculum: A Multisite Educational Intervention to Improve Patient Handoffs. Academic Medicine 2014; 89(6): 876-884. Available from:
O’Toole JK, West DC, Starmer AJ, Yu CF, Calaman S, Rosenbluth G, Hepps JH, Lopreiato JO, Landrigan CP, Sectish TC, Spector ND and the I-PASS Education Executive Committee. Placing Faculty Development “Front and Center” in a Multi-site Educational Initiative: Experiences and Lessons Learned from the I-PASS Handoff Study Group. Academic Pediatrics 2014; 14: 221–224. Available from:
O’Toole J, Calaman S, Everhart J, Bismilla Z, Good B, Guiot A, Johnstone N, Nilforoshan V, Noble E, Rosenbluth G, Schwartz S, Solan L, Tse L, West D, Weiser J, Landrigan C, Sectish T, Srivastava R, Starmer A, Spector N. I-PASS Handoff Curriculum: Medical Student Workshop. MedEdPORTAL; 2014. Available from:
Bigham MT, Logsdon TR, Manicone PE, Landrigan CP, Hayes LW, Randall KH, Grover P, Collins SB, Ramirez DE, O’Guin CD, Williams CI, Warnick RJ, and Sharek PJ. Decreasing Handoff-Related Care Failures in Children’s Hospitals. Pediatrics 2014; 134: e572-e579. Available from:
Lane-Fall MB, Brooks AK, Wilkins SA, Davis JJ, Riesenberg LA. “Addressing the Mandate for Handoff Education: A Focused Review and Recommendations for Anesthesia Resident Curriculum Development and Evaluation.” Anesthesiology 2014; 120(1): 218-29. Available from:
Starmer AJ, Spector ND, Srivastava R, West DC, Rosenbluth G, Allen AD, Noble EL, Tse LL, Dalal AK, Keohane CA, Lipsitz SR, Rothschild JM, Wien MF, Yoon CS, Zigmont KR, O’Toole JK, Wilson KM, Bismilla Z, Coffey M, Mahant S, Blankenburg RL, Destino LA, Everhart JL, Patel SJ, Bale JF, Spackman JB, Stevenson AT, Calaman S, Cole FS, Hepps JH, Lopreiato JO, Yu CE, Sectish TC, Landrigan CP, and the I-PASS Study Group. Changes in Medical Errors after Implementation of a handoff Program. The New England Journal of Medicine 2014; 371:1803-12. Available from:
Rosenbluth G, Bale JF, Starmer AJ, Spector ND, Srivastava R, West DC, Sectish TC, Landrigan CP, and the I-PASS Study Education Executive Committee. Variation in Printed Handoff Documents: Results and Recommendations from a Multicenter Needs Assessment. Journal of Hospital Medicine 2015; PMID 26014471.
Starmer AJ, Destino LA, MD2, Yoon CS, Landrigan CP. Intern and Resident Workflow Patterns on Pediatric Inpatient Units: A Multi-Center Time Motion Study. JAMA Pediatrics 2015; 169(12).
Calaman S, Hepps JH, Bismilla Z, Carraccio C, Englander R, Feraco A, Landrigan CP, Lopreiato JO, Sectish TC, Starmer AJ, Yu CE, Spector ND, West DC, and the I-PASS Study Education Executive Committee. Creation of Standard Setting Videos to Support Faculty Observations of Learner Performance and Entrustment Decisions. Academic Medicine 2015.
Platform and Plenary Presentations
Starmer AJ, Spector ND, Landrigan CP, Sectish TC, Coffey M, Cole FS, Hepps J, Kahana M, O’Toole JK, Rosenbluth G, Stevenson AT, Bale JF. “Resident Sign-Out Practices: Results From a Multi-Site Needs Assessment” Platform presentation presented at Association of Pediatric Program Directors Meeting, April 2011; Miami, FL.
Starmer AJ, Sectish TC, Simon D, Landrigan CP. “Impact of a Resident Handoff Bundle on Resident Workflow Patterns and Verbal Handoff Practices” Platform presentation presented at Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, May 2011; Denver, CO.
Starmer AJ, Sectish TC, Simon D, Landrigan CP. “Impact of a Resident Handoff Bundle with Medical Error Rates and Written Handoff Miscommunications” Platform presentation presented at Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, May 2011; Denver, CO.
Starmer AJ, Spector ND, Landrigan CP, Sectish TC, Coffey M, Cole FS, Hepps J, Kahana M, O’Toole JK, Rosenbluth G, Stevenson AT, Bale JF. “Resident Sign-Out Practices: Results From a Multi-Site Needs Assessment” Platform presentation presented at Pediatric Hospital Medicine, July 2011; Kansas City, MO.
Feraco AM, Starmer AJ, Sectish TC, Landrigan CP, West DC. Impact of a Resident Handoff Bundle on Verbal Handoff Skills. Paper presented at Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, May 2012; Boston, MA.
Lopreiato JO, West DC, I-PASS Study Group. Reliability of a Direct Observation Tool for Patient Handovers. Presented at the Medical Education Platform Session at the Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, May 3, 2014. Vancouver, Canada.
Starmer AJ, Destino L, Yoon C, Landrigan CP, and the I-PASS Study Group. Intern and Resident Workflow Patterns on General Inpatient Units: A Multi-Center Time-Motion Study. Presented at the Hospitalist Medicine Platform Session at the Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, May 3, 2014. Vancouver, Canada.
Starmer AJ and the I-PASS Study Group. The I-PASS Handoff Study: Effects of Implementing a Multi-Site Handoff Bundle on Rates of Medical Errors, Preventable Adverse Events, and Miscommunications. Presented at the APA Presidential Plenary Session at the Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, May 5, 2014. Vancouver, Canada.
Khan A, Rogers J, Forster C, Schuster M, Landrigan CP. Physician-Parent Miscommunication in the Hospital at Night. Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting. May 3, 2014; Vancouver, Canada.
Thomson K, Coffey M, Bismilla Z, Spector ND, Mahant S. Social Impediments of Structured Handoffs in a Professional Context: A Qualitative Study of I-PASS Implementation. Plenary presentation at Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting. May 6, 2014; Vancouver, Canada.
Starmer and the I-PASS Study Group. The I-PASS Handoff Study: Effects of Implementing a Multi-Site Handoff Bundle on Rates of Medical Errors, Preventable Adverse Events, and Miscommunications. Presented at the Canadian Paediatric Society Meeting, June 25-28, 2014. Montreal, Canada.
Coffey M, Thomson K, Starmer AJ, Landrigan CP, and the I-PASS Qualitative Study Group. “Resident Attitudes and Adherence to I-PASS: A Qualitative Study.” Presented at the Canadian Paediatric Society Meeting, June 25-28, 2014. Montreal, Canada.
Starmer AJ, Destino L, Yoon C, Landrigan CP, and the I-PASS Study Group. Intern and Resident Workflow Patterns on General Inpatient Units: A Multi-Center Time-Motion Study. Platform Presentation presented at the Pediatric Hospital Medicine Meeting. July 24, 2014. Orlando, FL.
Starmer and the I-PASS Study Group. The I-PASS Handoff Study: Effects of Implementing a Multi-Site Handoff Bundle on Rates of Medical Errors, Preventable Adverse Events, and Miscommunications. Presented at the APA Pediatric Hospital Medicine. July 25, 2014. Orlando, FL.
O’Toole JK and the I-PASS Study Group. “Impact of the I-PASS Study’s Faculty Development Program,” Platform Presentation presented at the Pediatric Hospital Medicine Meeting. July 26, 2014. Orlando, FL.
Shilpa J Patel, Jennifer R. Di Rocco, Cheryl Okado, Chieko Kimata. “Improvement of Patient Handoffs between Attending Hospitalists Utilizing the I-PASS Handoff Bundle and Direct Peer Observation” Platform Presentation at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement. December 8, 2014. Orlando, FL.
West DC, and the I-PASS Study Group. “Assessment of Resident Patient Handoff Skills: Validity Evidence Supporting the Use of a Structured Clinical Observation Tool to Make Competency and Entrustment Decisions” Platform presentation at the 2015 APPD Annual Meeting. Scheduled for March 26, 2015. Orlando, FL.
West DC and the I-PASS Study Group. “Assessment of Resident Patient Handoff Skills: Validity Evidence Supporting the Use of a Structured Clinical Observation Tool to Make Competency and Entrustment Decisions” Platform presentation at the 2015 Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting. April 25, 2015. San Diego, CA.
Destino LA, Valentine M, Starmer AJ, and Landrigan CP. “Variation in resident time spent with patient and families: a closer look at time motion data from the I-PASS study.” Platform presentation at the 2015 Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, April 26, 2015; San Diego, CA.
Tse LL, Allen AD, Starmer AJ, Spector ND, Sectish TC, Srivastava R, Landrigan CP, and the I-PASS Study Group. “Dissemination of the I-PASS Resident Handoff Bundle.” Presented at Program for Research Assistant Development & Achievement (PRADA) Research Symposium Poster Session, Boston Children’s Hospital. May 2012, Boston, MA.
Rosenbluth G, Starmer AJ, Spector ND, Allen AD, Calaman S, Destino L, Everhart J, O’Toole JK, Patel SJ, Stevenson A, Yu CE, Landrigan CP, Sectish TC. “I-PASS Campaign: Innovative and Effective Implementation of a Handoff Curriculum” Presented at Association of American Medical Colleges Annual Meeting –MedEdPORTAL Poster Session, November 2012; San Francisco, CA.
Tse LL, Noble E, Starmer AJ, Spector ND, Sectish TC, Srivastava R, Landrigan CP, and the I-PASS Study Group. “Dissemination of the I-PASS Resident Handoff Bundle.” Presented at Boston Children’s Hospital Graduate Medical Education Day Poster Session, May 2013, Boston, MA.
Coffey M, Starmer AJ, Bale JF, Calaman S, Cole FS, Hepps J, Noble E, O’Toole JK, Rosenbluth G, Sectish TC, Spector ND, Srivastava R, Tse LL, West DC, Landrigan CP, and the I-PASS Study Group. “I-PASS: The Creation, Implementation, and Dissemination of a Bundled Handoff Intervention.” Presented at Institute for Healthcare Improvement National Forum, December 2013; Orlando, FL.
O’Toole JK and the I-PASS Study Group. Impact of the I-PASS Study’s Faculty Development Program. Poster presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, May 5, 2014. Vancouver, Canada.
Coffey M, Thomson K, Starmer AJ, Landrigan CP and the I-PASS Qualitative Study Group. I-PASS Handoff: A Qualitative Study of Resident Experience. Presented as a poster at Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting. May 5, 2014; Vancouver, Canada.
West DC et al. “Time-Motion Analysis of Pediatric Intern Activities during Day and Night Shifts.” Presented at the 2015 Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting poster session. April 27, 2015. San Diego, CA.
Kahn A et al. “Nighttime Parent-Reported Experience, Miscommunication, and Errors in the Hospital.” Presented at the 2015 Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting poster session. April 27, 2015. San Diego, CA.
Coffey M. “Teamwork and Communication” Plenary presented at SickKids International Pediatric Patient Safety Symposium, June 2011; Toronto, Canada.
Sectish TC, Landrigan CP, Starmer AJ, Spector ND, West DC, Srivastava R. “The I-PASS Study: Standardizing Handoffs to Improve Patient Safety” State-of-the-Art Plenary presented at Annual Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, April 2012; Boston, MA.
Srivastava R, Landrigan CP, Dayan PS, Conway PH, Dean JM, Homer CJ. “Dissemination and Implementation Science – Spreading evidence from high-quality studies across institutions to improve patient outcomes” State-of-the-Art Plenary presented at Annual Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, May 2013; Washington, DC.
Starmer AJ, Sectish TC, West DC, O’Toole JK, Rosenbluth G, Yu C, Calaman S, Patel SJ, Allen AD, Landrigan CP, Spector ND. “The I-PASS Handoff Process: Teaching and Evaluating Standardized Approaches to Transitions of Care” Workshop presented at Annual Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, May 2012; Boston, MA.
O’Toole JK (co-first), Rosenbluth G (co-first), Destino L, Allen AD, Aylor M, Coffey M, Everhart J, Hepps J, Hrach C, Nilforoshan V, Patel SJ, Stevenson A, Turmelle M, Srivastava R, Landrigan CP, West DC, Sectish TC, Spector ND, Starmer AJ. “Strategies for Implementing a Successful Handoff Program for Pediatric Hospitalists” Workshop presented at Pediatric Hospital Medicine, July 2012; Cincinnati, OH.
Coffey M, Wong B, Bismilla Z. “New Strategies for Improving Patient Handoffs” Workshop presented at University of Toronto Centre for Patient Safety Symposium, October 2012; Toronto, Canada.
Spector ND (co-first), Starmer AJ (co-first), O’Toole JK, Yu CE, West DC, Hepps J, Rosenbluth G, Patel SJ, Landrigan CP (co-last), Sectish TC (co-last). “The I-PASS Handoff Process: Teaching and Evaluating Standardized Approaches to Transitions of Care” Workshop presented at Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education Annual Educational Conference, February – March 2013; Orlando, FL
Starmer AJ (co-first), O’Toole JK (co-first), Aylor M, Bale JF, Blankenburg R, Calaman S, Good B, Guiot A, Patel SJ, Rosenbluth G, Solan L, Stevenson A, West DC, Landrigan CP, Sectish TC (co-last), Spector ND (co-last). “The I-PASS Handoff Process: Teaching and Assessing Standardized Approaches to Transitions of Care Along the Education Continuum” Workshop presented at Association of Pediatric Program Directors / Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics Combined Annual Meeting, April 2013; Nashville, TN.
Starmer AJ (co-first), Rosenbluth G (co-first), Calaman S, Coffey M, Cole FS, Destino LA, Everhart JL, Hepps JH, Lopreiato JO, O’Toole JK, West DC, Landrigan CP, Sectish TC (co-last), Spector ND (co-last). “The I-PASS Handoff Process: Teaching and Evaluating Standardized Approaches to Transitions of Care” Workshop presented at Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, May 2013; Washington, DC.
Englander R, West DC, Calaman S, Spector ND, Caraccio C. “The I-PASS Handover Study as an Entrustable Professional Activity (EPA): An Approach to Meaningful Assessment” Workshop presented at Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, May 2013; Washington, DC.
Rosenbluth G, O’Toole JK, Destino LA, Everhart JL, Hepps JH, Hrach C, Patel S, Starmer AJ, Sectish TC, Landrigan CP. “Strategies for Implementing a Successful Handoff Program for Pediatric Hospitalists” Workshop presented at Society of Hospital Medicine Meeting, May 2013; National Harbor, MD.
Bismilla Z, Rosenbluth G, West DC, Starmer AJ. “The I-PASS Handoff Process: Teaching and Evaluating Standardized Approaches to Transitions of Care” Workshop presented at Royal College’s International Conference on Resident Education, Sept. 27-28, 2013; Calgary, Canada.
Starmer AJ, Spector ND, Sectish TC, Hepps JH, Yu CE. “The I-PASS Handoff Process: Teaching and Assessing Standardized Approaches to Transitions of Care Along the Education Continuum” Workshop presented at Pediatric Educational Excellence Across the Continuum Meeting, Oct 4, 2013; Arlington, VA.
Spector ND and Yu CCE. I-PASS Handoff Curriculum Dissemination to Non-Pediatric Graduate Medical Education Training Programs. Workshop Queens Medical Center. Oct 10, 2013; Honolulu, HI.
Bale J, Yeh A, Urion D, Valencia I. “To Err is Human: Reducing Medical Errors by Better Handoffs with I-PASS” Educational Seminar to be presented at Child Neurology Society Meeting, November 2, 2013; Austin, TX.
Spector N (co-first), Starmer AJ (co-first), O’Toole JK, Calaman S, Yu CE, West DC, Hepps JH, Rosenbluth G, Patel S, Landrigan CP (co-last), Sectish TC (co-last). “The I-PASS Handoff Process: Teaching and Evaluating a Standardized Approach to Transitions in Care.” Mini-course presented at Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education Annual Educational Conference, March 2014; National Harbor, MD.
Rosenbluth G, Starmer AJ, O’Toole JK, Landrigan CP, Bismilla Z, Everhart JL, Schnipper J, Srivastava R. “Strategies for Implementing a Successful Handoff Program for Hospitalists” Workshop to be presented at the Society of Hospital Medicine Meeting, March 24-27, 2014; Las Vegas, NV.
Landrigan CP, Lyons A, and Starmer AJ. I-PASS Handoff Process: Evidence-based Approach for Better Handoffs and Safer Care. Workshop for Thoracic Surgery and Internal Medicine faculty and staff at Massachusetts General Hospital. April 3, 2014. Boston, MA
O’Toole JK, Everhart J, Bismilla Z. “The I-PASS Handoff Process: Teaching and Evaluating Standardized Approaches to Transitions of Care” Workshop to be presented at the Association of Program Directors in Internal Medicine Conference, April 6-10, 2014; Nashville, TN
O’Toole JK, Spector ND, and the Faculty Development Task Force. “Placing Faculty Development “Front and Center” in a Multi-site Educational Initiative: Lessons from the I-PASS Handoff Study.” Presented at the Faculty Development Special Interest Group at the Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting. May 3, 2014. Vancouver, Canada
Landrigan CP, Mantell P, Sectish TC, and Starmer AJ. I-PASS Handoff Process: Evidence-based Approach for Better Handoffs and Safer Care. Workshop for Thoracic Surgery and Internal Medicine faculty and staff at Massachusetts General Hospital. May 8, 2014. Boston, MA
Landrigan CP, Lyons A, Sectish TC, Spector ND, and Starmer AJ. I-PASS Handoff Process: Evidence-based Approach for Better Handoffs and Safer Care. Workshop for Thoracic Surgery and Internal Medicine faculty and staff at Massachusetts General Hospital. May 12, 2014. Boston, MA
Landrigan CP, Sectish TC. Spector ND, and Starmer AJ. I-PASS Handoff Process: Evidence-based Approach for Better Handoffs and Safer Care. Workshop presented to entire GME community at New York Presbyterian Hospital. June 3, 2014
O’Toole JK, Rosenbluth G, Starmer AJ, Srivastava R, Landrigan CP, Sectish TC, Spector ND. Leading Innovative Projects: Essential Skills for Academic Faculty. Workshop presented at Pediatric Hospital Medicine Annual Conference. July 25, 2014. Orlando, FL.
Starmer AJ and West DC. I-PASS Handoff Process: Evidence-based Approach for Better Handoffs and Safer Care. Workshop presented at MD Anderson Hospital. August 12, 2014. Houston, TX.
Landrigan CP and Sectish TC. I-PASS Handoff Process: Better Handoffs and Safer Care. Workshop for I-PASS Champions at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children. September 4, 2014. Philadelphia, PA.
O’Toole J. The I-PASS Handoff Program: Challenges, Barriers, Resistance To Implementation (Workshop for faculty champions). Virginia Commonwealth University, Department of Internal Medicine. September 25, 2014. Richmond,VA.
Spector ND, Sectish TC, Starmer AJ, Srivastava R, West DC. “I-PASS: Spreading an Evidence-Based Program across the Institution for Safer Transitions of Care” ACGME Annual Educational Conference, Scheduled for February 28, 2015. San Diego, CA.
Spector ND, Landrigan CP, Starmer AJ, Khan A, Sectish TC. Bringing I-PASS to the Bedside and the Unit. Boston Combined Residency Program Housestaff-wide Retreat. Scheduled for March 12, 2015.Boston, MA
Guiot AB, Good BP, Hepps JH, Johnstone N, O’Toole JK, “The I-PASS Handoff Process Part 2: Focus on Medical Student Implementation” Workshop for the Annual COMSEP Meeting, Scheduled for March 13, 2015. New Orleans, LA
Starmer AJ, O’Toole JK, Hepps JH, Calaman S, Bismilla Z , Destino LA, Everhart JL, Coffey T, Rosenbluth G. “The I-PASS handoff bundle: implementing, adapting, and evaluating a standardized approach to transitions of care” Workshop for the 2015 Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting. April 26, 2015. San Diego, CA.
O’Toole J “Section on Hospital Medicine Academic and Scientific Program Invited Faculty Speaker (Handoff Panel)” American Academy of Pediatrics National conference & Exhibition, October 25, 2015; Washington, DC.
Rossi L, Shahian D, Chisari G. “Improving Safety during Care Transitions” Workshop for the Annual National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care. December 8, 2015. Orlando, FL.
Starmer AJ, Rosenbluth G, Popa A, Schnipper J “Strategies for Implementing a Successful Handoff Program for Hospitalists: Lessons learned from the SHM-IPASS Mentored Implementation Program” Workshop for the Society of Hospital Medicine annual meeting. Scheduled for March 6-9, 2016; San Diego, CA.
Grand Rounds
Landrigan CP. Patient Safety, Resident Work Hours, and Handoffs: Redesigning Safer Residency Programs. Grand Rounds. New York University, New York City, NY. November 2010.
Landrigan CP, Starmer AJ. Sleep, Work Hours, and Handoffs: the Critical Importance of Residents in Patient Safety. Grand Rounds. St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children, Department of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA. November 2011.
Landrigan CP. Sleep Deprivation, Handoffs, and Patient Safety. Grand Rounds. Exeter Hospital, Exeter, NH. May 2012.
Landrigan CP. Resident Work Schedules, Handoffs, and Patient Safety: Building More Effective Hospital Teams. Ground Rounds. Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Department of Surgery, Lebanon, NH. May 2012.
Landrigan CP. Physician Sleep Deprivation, Handovers, and Patient Safety. Presentation. Directors of Clinical Governance Meeting, Clinical Excellence Commission (Government of New South Wales, Australia), Sydney, Australia. April 2012.
O’Toole JK. The I-PASS Study: Improving Team Communication and Handoff Safety. Grand Rounds. University of Cincinnati, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Cincinnati, OH. May 4, 2012.
Sectish TC. The I-PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process for Better Handoffs and Safer Care. Grand Rounds. New York University, New York City, NY. May 8, 2012. Available from:
Landrigan CP, Sectish TC, Feraco, A. The I-PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process for Better Handoffs and Safer Care. Grand Rounds. Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA. July 11, 2012.
Starmer, AJ. The I-PASS Handoff Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process for Better Handoffs and Safer Care. Grand Rounds. Oregon Health and Science University, Department of Pediatrics, Portland, OR. August 2012.
Landrigan CP. I-PASS: An Evidence-Based Teamwork and Handoff Improvement Program. Grand Rounds. Montreal Children’s Hospital, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. September 21, 2012.
Landrigan CP. I-PASS: An Evidence-Based Teamwork and Handoff Improvement Program. Grand Rounds. Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. September 26, 2012.
Starmer AJ. Better Handoffs, Safer Care: The I-PASS Handoff Study. Grand Rounds. Oregon Health and Science University, Department of Surgery, Portland, OR. October 2012.
Landrigan CP. I-PASS: An Evidence-Based Teamwork and Handoff Improvement Program. Grand Rounds. Montreal Children’s Hospital, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. September 21, 2012
Landrigan CP. I-PASS: An Evidence-Based Teamwork and Handoff Improvement Program. Grand Rounds. Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. September 26, 2012.
Starmer AJ. Better Handoffs, Safer Care: The I-PASS Handoff Study. Grand Rounds. Oregon Health and Science University, Department of Surgery, Portland, OR. October 2012.
Coffey M. I-PASS Handoff. Grand Rounds. University of Toronto Department of Internal Medicine, Toronto, Canada. November 2012.
Landrigan CP. I-PASS: A Multi-center Pediatric Handoff Improvement and Research Project. Grand Rounds. New York Methodist Hospital Department of Pediatrics, Brooklyn, New York. December 7, 2012.
Landrigan CP. I-PASS: Evidence-Based Handoffs for Internal Medicine Residents. Grand Rounds. New York Methodist Hospital Department of Internal Medicine, Brooklyn, New York. December 7, 2012.
Rosenbluth G. The I-PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process for Better Handoffs and Safer Care. Grand Rounds. University of Florida Department of Pediatrics, Gainsville, Florida. December 20, 2012.
Coffey M, Bismilla Z. TRR Patient Safety: Handoffs. University of Toronto. Grand Rounds. Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. February 2013.
Spector ND. The I-PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process for Better Handoffs and Safer Care. Grand Rounds. University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland. March 21, 2013
Landrigan CP. I-PASS: An Evidence-Based Teamwork and Handoff Improvement Program. Grand Rounds. Cambridge Hospital, Cambridge, MA. April 2013.
Rosenbluth G. The I-PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process for Better Handoffs and Safer Care. Grand Rounds. Children’s Hospital & Research Center Oakland, Oakland, California. June, 2013
Landrigan CP. I-PASS: An Evidence-Based Teamwork and Handoff Improvement Program. Grand Rounds. University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. June 2013.
Spector ND, Sectish TC. The I-PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process for Better Handoffs and Safer Care. Grand Rounds. Jersey Shore Medical Center, Neptune Township, NJ. August 6, 2013.
Calaman S and Spector ND. The I-PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process for Better Handoffs and Safer Care. Grand Rounds. University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ) Robert Wood Johnson, New Brunswick, NJ. October 29, 2013
Spector ND, Landrigan CP. The I-PASS Handoff Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process for Better Handoffs and Safer Care. Grand Rounds: University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, WI. November 7, 2013. Video″ target=”_blank”>
Sectish TC and Spector ND. The I-PASS Handoff Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process for Better Handoffs and Safer Care. Grand Rounds: Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY. May 20, 2014.
Starmer AS and West DC. Better Handoffs, Safer Care: Standardizing handoffs using I-PASS to reduce medical errors and adverse events. Grand Rounds: MD Anderson, Houston, TX. August 12, 2014.
Starmer AS. Better Handoffs, Safer Care: Improving transitions of care to reduce medical errors and improve patient safety. Grand Rounds: National Institutes of Health Clinical Center Grand Rounds, Bethesda,MD. August 27, 2014.
Landrigan CP and Sectish TC. The I-PASS Handoff Program: An Evidence-based Program for Better Handoffs and Safer Care. Grand Rounds: St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children, Philadelphia, PA. September 5, 2014.
O’Toole J. The I-PASS Study: Standardizing The Handoff Process To Improve Patient Care And Safety. Grand Rounds, Virginia Commonwealth University, Department of Internal Medicine, Richmond, VA. Sept 25, 2014.
Starmer AS, Landrigan CP, Sectish TC. The I-PASS Handoff Program: An Evidence-based Program for Better Handoffs and Safer Care. Grand Rounds, Shriners Hospital, Plastic Surgery, Boston, MA. February 3, 2015.
Everhart JL. The I-PASS Handoff Program: An Evidence-based Program for Better Handoffs and Safer Care. Grand Rounds, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, CA. April 8, 2015.
Rosenbluth G. and West D.C. Better Handoffs, Safer Care: The I-PASS Handoff Study and Medical Errors. GME Grand Rounds. University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA. May 2015 (video at
Rosenbluth G. and West D.C. Better Handoffs and Safer Care: Preliminary Results of the I-PASS Study. Pediatrics Grand Rounds. University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA. May 2015
Starmer AJ. Avoiding Handoff Fumbles: Implementing I-PASS to Improve Patient Safety. GME Grand Rounds: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. June 2, 2015.
Rosenbluth G. Better Handoffs, Safer Care: The I-PASS Handoff Study and Medical Errors. Hospital-Based Specialties Grand Rounds. Kaiser San Francisco, San Francisco, CA. July 2015
Landrigan CP and Spector N. Bringing I-PASS to the Bedside and the Unit: Patient and Family Centered I-PASS. Visiting Professorship of Pediatrics: Grand Rounds, Department of Pediatrics, Cincinnati Children’s Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH. Cincinnati Children’s. July 2015.
O’Toole J. The I-PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process to Improve Patient Care and Safety. Grand Rounds, University of Cincinnati Department of Internal Medicine, Cincinnati, OH. July 1, 2015.
Spector ND. Game On! How the I-PASS Study Group Achieved Patient Safety Goals and Promoted Professional Development and Scholarship. Grand Rounds, Core Entrustable Professional Activities for Entering Residency (CEPAER) meeting of the AAMC, Washington, DC. July 9, 2015.
Everhart JL, Spector ND. The I-PASS Study: Standardizing The Handoff Process To Improve Patient Care And Safety. I-PASS SHM Mentored Implementation Program Site Visit Grand Rounds, Children’s Hospital of Michigan, Detroit, MI. July 31, 2015.
Bismilla Z, Starmer A. I-PASS: Better Handoffs, Safer Care. Grand Rounds, Arkansas Children’s Hospital, Little Rock, AR. August 4, 2015.
O’Toole J. The I-PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process to Improve Patient Care and Safety. Quality and Safety Grand Rounds, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine, Boston, MA. September 10, 2015.
Destino LA. The I-PASS Study: Standardizing The Handoff Process To Improve Patient Care And Safety” Trident Hospital/MUSC Family Practice Grand Rounds, North Charleston, SC. September 25, 2015.
Starmer AJ, West D. Better Handoffs, Safer Care: Implementing I-PASS to Improve Patient Handoffs and Enhance Patient Safety. Advances in Oncology Institutional Grand Rounds. Houston, TX. October 2, 2015.
Destino LA. Improving Physician Handoffs in the Age of Computerized Medicine. Dominican Hospital Grand Rounds, Santa Cruz, CA. October 9, 2015.
Sectish TC, Rosenbluth G. The I-PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process to Improve Patient Care and Safety. Grand Rounds, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN. October 12, 2015.
Patel SJ, Spector ND. The I-PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process to Improve Patient Care and Safety. University of California, San Diego Grand Rounds. San Diego, CA. October 14, 2015.
O’Toole J. The I-PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process to Improve Patient Care and Safety. Grand Rounds, Levine Children’s Hospital at Carolinas Medical Center, Department of Pediatrics, Charlotte, NC. October 21, 2015.
Coffey M. The I-PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process to Improve Patient Care and Safety. Grand Rounds, Boston Medical Center, Department of Internal Medicine, Boston, MA. October 23, 2015.
Spector ND. Game On! How the I-PASS Study Group Achieved Patient Safety Goals and Promoted Professional Development and Scholarship. Grand Rounds, Primary Children’s Medical Center. Salt Lake City, UT. November 2, 2015
Patel SJ, Spector ND. The I-PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process to Improve Patient Care and Safety. Grand Rounds, Intermountain Medical Center. Murray, UT. November 3, 2015.
Sectish TC, Calaman S. The I-PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process to Improve Patient Care and Safety. Grand Rounds, New York Presbyterian Queens, Flushing, NY. November 3rd, 2015.
Landrigan CP. The I-PASS Study: Standardizing The Handoff Process To Improve Patient Care And Safety. Grand rounds, University of Vermont Medical Center. Burlington, VT. November 16, 2015.
Rosenbluth G. The I-PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process to Improve Patient Care and Safety. Pediatrics Grand Rounds, Yale University, New Haven, CT. November 18, 2015.
Television and Radio interviews
Starmer AJ, Landrigan CP. WBZ-TV. Dec 3, 2013. Audio:
Starmer AJ, Landrigan CP. JAMA TV. Dec 4, 2013. Audio: – click on the link to download “News Package Preview Short Version.mp4”
Starmer AJ, Landrigan CP. Mass. Doctors discuss results, impact of communication research. New England Cable News. Dec 5, 2013. Video:
Starmer AJ, Landrigan CP. Everyday Health. Jun 19, 2014. Video:
Starmer AJ, Landrigan CP. WBZ-TV. Nov 7, 2014. Audio:
Starmer AJ et al. The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada KeyLIME podcast. Episode 77-Can we make a better handover? Can I-PASS the test? Audio:
Starmer AJ et al. The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada KeyLIME podcast. Episode 81-Is building better? Audio:
Conaboy, Chelsea. Boston Globe. “Ensuring safe patient handoffs” Dec 4, 2013. Available form:
The Associated Press. WBUR. “Boston Researchers Find Way to Cut Medical Error” Dec 4, 2013. Available from:
Xu, Rena. Now@ NEJM. “The Good Word: Improving Patient Handoffs” Nov 5, 2014. Available from:
Reinberg, Steven. CBS News. “A key thing doctors can do to reduce hospital errors” Nov 6, 2014. Available from:
Nidhi, Subbaraman. Beta Boston. “Boston health tech groups are finalists in Harvard’s Health Acceleration Challenge” Nov 20, 2014. Available from:
Moore, Duncan. MedPage Today. “I-PASS Handoff System Leads to Decline in Medical Errors” Nov 26, 2014. Available from:
Schaffer, Adam. CRICO. “Poor communication of doctor’s orders leads to preventable death.” Dec 22, 2017. Available from:
Overall impact (May 2010 – December 11, 2015)
2836 individuals requested access to the materials
More than 500 unique institutions and organizations (non-inclusive of study sites)
50 states and the District of Columbia
48 countries outside the United States
Individuals requesting the curricular materials indicated an interest in applying them across a range of provider types
Physicians, 71.8%
Physician Assistant, 4%
Nurses Practitioner, 7.1%
Registered Nurse, 15.7%
Medical students, 7.4%
Clinical disciplines
Pediatrics, 26.5%
Internal medicine, 22.8%
Intensive care, 11.8%
Emergency medicine, 10.4%
Surgery, 9.8%
Family medicine, 10.3%
Obstetrics–gynecology, 5.8%
And others